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ESP32 module development board, wireless WiFi+Bluetooth 2-in-1 dual core CPU, Internet of Things

ESP32S 38-pin

Model:ESP32S 38-pin




ESP32 module development board, wireless WiFi+Bluetooth 2-in-1 dual core CPU, Internet of Things

Product Descriptions:

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ESP32 Beginner Video Tutorial: https://pan.baidu.com/s/1Oqo79lZwB9BqRCkdo18wWA

The ESP32 integrates antenna switches, RF baluns, power amplifiers, low-noise amplifiers, filters, and power management modules, and the entire solution occupies less printed circuit board area. 2.4 GHz Wi Fi and Bluetooth dual-mode chip

1. The onboard CP2102 stable USB to TTL chip ensures normal communication of the serial port.

2. Supports automatic download without the need to manually switch between download and run modes.

3. Sinking gold process

4. Support development on Windows systems (cygwin and msys32 simulation environments) and Linux systems

5. Support ESP32 Ardu

ESP-WROOM-32 is a versatile Wi Fi+BT+BLE MCU module that is powerful and versatile, suitable for low-power sensor networks and demanding tasks such as speech encoding, audio streaming, and MP3 decoding.

The core of this module is the ESP32-D0WDQ6 chip *, which has the characteristics of scalability and adaptability. Two CPU cores can be controlled separately or powered on. The adjustment range of clock frequency is from 80 MHz to 240 MHz. Users can cut off the power to the CPU and use low-power coprocessors to continuously monitor the status changes of peripherals or whether certain analog quantities exceed the threshold. ESP32 also integrates a variety of peripherals, including capacitive touch sensors, Hall sensors, low-noise sensor amplifiers, SD card interfaces, Ethernet interfaces, high-speed SDIO/SPI, UART, I2S, and I2C.

CPU and Memory

ESP32-D0WDQ6 has two built-in low-power Xtensa ® 32-bit LX6 MCU. On chip storage includes:

448 KB ROM, used for program startup and kernel function calling.

520 KB on-chip SRAM for data and instruction storage.

8 KB of SRAM in RTC, also known as RTC slow memory, can be accessed by the coprocessor in Deep sleep mode.

8 KB SRAM in RTC, also known as RTC flash memory, can be used for data storage and access by the main CPU during RTC startup in Deep sleep mode.

1 kbit eFuse, of which 256 bits are system specific (MAC address and chip settings); The remaining 768 bits are reserved for user applications, including Flash encryption and chip ID.

ESP-WROOM-32 integrates 4MB SPIFlash






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